Pledging Archive

The term pork barrel spending, also known as earmarked funds, refers to the practice of funding projects that only benefit the constituents of a single legislator. Normally, these projects are not competitively awarded or subject to congressional review. They are usually requested by a single member of Congress to benefit a single local interest. Funding for these pet projects is usually inserted in large omnibus appropriations bills at the last moment. Several years ago, members of Congress agreed to a moratorium on earmarks but those days have passed. In 2019, Congress added 274 earmarks costing taxpayers $15.3 billion, while in 2020, this total rose to $16.5 billion. Since 1991, there have been 111,417 earmarks costing taxpayers $375.7 billion. One reason earmarks flourish is because they help create support for passing controversial bills. Lawmakers seldom vote against a measure that helps their own district.

Critics say federal tax dollars should not be spent in a way that does not benefit most citizens. Supporters claim earmarks provide incentives for reluctant legislators to advance important legislation that otherwise might not pass without such inducements.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.1086 - Earmark Elimination Act of 2021
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Ralph Norman (SC)

  • I oppose reforming current earmark policy and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA).
  • I support establishing a point of order in the House of Representatives against considering legislation that contains a congressional earmark, limited tax benefit, or limited tariff benefit. If the point of order is raised and sustained, the congressional earmark, limited tax benefit, or limited tariff benefit shall be deemed to be stricken from the legislation, and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Ralph Norman (SC) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Winning Option »» No issues were voted

  • I support establishing a point of order in the House of Representatives against considering legislation that contains a congressional earmark, limited tax benefit, or limited tariff benefit. If the point of order is raised and sustained, the congressional earmark, limited tax benefit, or limited tariff benefit shall be deemed to be stricken from the legislation, and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Ralph Norman (SC) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Number of Letters Pledged

  • 0
Number of Monetary Pledges

  • 0
Money Pledged

  • $0

Number of Trustee Suggestions

  • 0
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Poll Opening Date January 02, 2023
Poll Closing Date January 08, 2023